QV2DMap | Fast 2D nearest neigbour access data container |
QV3DPointF | 3D point representation |
QV3DPolylineF | 3D polyline representation |
QVAbs_sFloatC1Block | Computes absolute value of each pixel of a source image and places results in the destination image; for in-place flavors - in the same source image |
QVAbs_sShortC1Block | Computes absolute value of each pixel of a source image and places results in the destination image; for in-place flavors - in the same source image |
QVAbsDiff_sFloatC1Block | Calculate absolute difference between corresponding pixels of the two images or between image pixels and scalar |
QVAbsDiff_uCharC1Block | Calculate absolute difference between corresponding pixels of the two images or between image pixels and scalar |
QVAdd_sFloatC1Block | Add image to accumulator |
QVAdd_sFloatC3Block | Add image to accumulator |
QVAdd_uCharC1Block | Add image to accumulator |
QVAdd_uCharC3Block | Add image to accumulator |
QVAddC_sFloatC1Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiAddC_32f_C1R |
QVAddC_uCharC1Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiAddC_8u_C1RSfs |
QVAnd_sIntC1Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiAnd_32s_C1R |
QVAnd_sIntC3Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiAnd_32s_C3R |
QVAnd_uCharC1Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiAnd_8u_C1R |
QVAnd_uCharC3Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiAnd_8u_C3R |
QVAnd_uShortC1Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiAnd_16u_C1R |
QVAnd_uShortC3Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiAnd_16u_C3R |
QVAndC_uCharC1Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiAndC_8u_C1R |
QVApplication | Main class for QVision applications |
QVBaseReader | Pure virtual base class to create input video reader components for the QVision architecture |
QVBRIEFDetector | Simple implementation of BRIEF (Binary Robust Independent Elementary Features) descriptors |
QVCameraPose | Class for the camera pose of a view, in a 3D reconstruction |
QVCannyEdgeDetector | |
QVCombinationIterator | Iterator over all possible combinations over a set |
QVCompare_sFloatC1Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiCompare_32f_C1R |
QVCompare_uCharC1Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiCompare_8u_C1R |
QVCompareC_sFloatC1Block | Compares pixel values of two images, or pixel values of an image to a constant value using the following compare conditions |
QVCompareC_uCharC1Block | Compares pixel values of two images, or pixel values of an image to a constant value using the following compare conditions |
QVComplex | Implementation of complex numbers |
QVComponentTree | Image component tree data structure |
QVComputeThreshold_Otsu_uCharC1Block | Calculate Otsu theshold value of images |
QVConvert_sFloatuCharC1Block | Converts pixel values of an image from one bit depth to another |
QVConvert_sFloatuCharC3Block | Converts pixel values of an image from one bit depth to another |
QVConvert_uCharsFloatC1Block | Converts pixel values of an image from one bit depth to another |
QVConvert_uCharsFloatC3Block | Converts pixel values of an image from one bit depth to another |
QVCPUPlot | Class for plot graphs of block's cpustat properties |
QVCUDAImage< Type, Channels > | Class to manage images stored in the GPU for the QVision framework |
QVDefaultGUI | Main user interface widget for QVision applications |
QVDesignerGUI | Advanced graphic block oriented programming interface widget for QVision applications |
QVDirectedGraph< Element > | Directed graph class |
QVDisjointSet | Implementation of a disjoint set data type, based on the union-find algorithm |
QVDiv_sFloatC1Block | Divides pixel values of an image by pixel values of another image and places the scaled results in the dividend source image |
QVDiv_sFloatC3Block | Divides pixel values of an image by pixel values of another image and places the scaled results in the dividend source image |
QVDiv_uCharC1Block | Divides pixel values of an image by pixel values of another image and places the scaled results in the dividend source image |
QVDiv_uCharC3Block | Divides pixel values of an image by pixel values of another image and places the scaled results in the dividend source image |
QVDivC_sFloatC1Block | Divides pixel values of a source image by a constant and places the scaled results in the same image |
QVDivC_uCharC1Block | Divides pixel values of a source image by a constant and places the scaled results in the same image |
QVEuclideanMapping3 | Class modeling rotation-translation transformations for 3D points |
QVFilterBox_sFloatC1Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiFilterBox_32f_C1R |
QVFilterBox_uCharC1Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiFilterBox_8u_C1R |
QVFilterBox_uCharC3Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiFilterBox_8u_C3R |
QVFilterGauss_sFloatC1Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiFilterGauss_32f_C1R |
QVFilterGauss_sFloatC3Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiFilterGauss_32f_C3R |
QVFilterGauss_uCharC1Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiFilterGauss_8u_C1R |
QVFilterGauss_uCharC3Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiFilterGauss_8u_C3R |
QVFilterHipass_sFloatC1Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiFilterHipass_32f_C1R |
QVFilterHipass_sFloatC3Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiFilterHipass_32f_C3R |
QVFilterHipass_uCharC1Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiFilterHipass_8u_C1R |
QVFilterHipass_uCharC3Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiFilterHipass_8u_C3R |
QVFilterLaplace_sFloatC1Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiFilterLaplace_32f_C1R |
QVFilterLaplace_uCharC1Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiFilterLaplace_8u_C1R |
QVFilterLowpass_sFloatC1Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiFilterLowpass_32f_C1R |
QVFilterLowpass_uCharC1Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiFilterLowpass_8u_C1R |
QVFilterMax_sFloatC1Block | Applies the "max" filter to an image |
QVFilterMax_uCharC1Block | Applies the "max" filter to an image |
QVFilterMax_uCharC3Block | Applies the "max" filter to an image |
QVFilterMedian_uCharC1Block | Filters an image using a box median filter |
QVFilterMedian_uCharC3Block | Filters an image using a box median filter |
QVFilterMedianHoriz_uCharC1Block | Performs horizontal median filtering |
QVFilterMin_sFloatC1Block | Applies the "min" filter to an image |
QVFilterMin_uCharC1Block | Applies the "min" filter to an image |
QVFilterMin_uCharC3Block | Applies the "min" filter to an image |
QVFilterSobelHorizMask_sFloatC1Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiFilterSobelHorizMask_32f_C1R |
QVFilterSobelVertMask_sFloatC1Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiFilterSobelVertMask_32f_C1R |
QVFunction< Input, Output > | Base class for function objects |
QVFunctionPlot | Widget for plotting QList<double> property values from a block, as an histogram, over the time |
QVGenericImage | Base class for QVImage objects |
QVGUI | Main user interface widget for QVision applications |
QVHarrisPointDetector | |
QVHistogramPlot | Widget for plotting QList<double> property values from a block, as an histogram, over the time |
QVImage< Type, Channels > | Image representation class for the QVision |
QVImageCanvas | Display widget for QVImage objects and other data types |
QVIndexedStringList | String List with a current string index |
QVJacobian | Class to create jacobian functions |
QVKeypoint | Class for image key point data-type |
QVKLTFeatureTracking | Class to store the successive positions of an individual feature tracked in a video sequence |
QVKLTTracker | Wrapper class to perform image feature tracking with the GPU-KLT library |
QVKLTTrackerFeature | Image feature location used by the GPU-KLT tracker |
QVLn_sFloatC1Block | Computes the natural logarithm of each pixel values of a source image and places the results in the destination image; for in-place flavors - in the same image |
QVLn_sFloatC3Block | Computes the natural logarithm of each pixel values of a source image and places the results in the destination image; for in-place flavors - in the same image |
QVLShiftC_uCharC1Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiLShiftC_8u_C1R |
QVMatrix | Implementation of numerical matrices |
QVMax_sFloatC1Block | Computes the maximum of image pixel values |
QVMax_uCharC1Block | Computes the maximum of image pixel values |
QVMean_uCharC1Block | Computes the mean of image pixel values |
QVMin_sFloatC1Block | Computes the minimum of image pixel values |
QVMin_uCharC1Block | Computes the minimum of image pixel values |
QVMSER | Maximally stable extremal region datatype |
QVMSERDetector | |
QVMul_sFloatC1Block | Adds, subtracts, or multiplies pixel values of two source images and places the results in a destination image |
QVMul_sFloatC3Block | Adds, subtracts, or multiplies pixel values of two source images and places the results in a destination image |
QVMul_uCharC1Block | Adds, subtracts, or multiplies pixel values of two source images and places the results in a destination image |
QVMul_uCharC3Block | Adds, subtracts, or multiplies pixel values of two source images and places the results in a destination image |
QVMulC_sFloatC1Block | Adds, subtracts, or multiplies pixel values of an image and a constant, and places the results in the same image |
QVMulC_uCharC1Block | Adds, subtracts, or multiplies pixel values of an image and a constant, and places the results in the same image |
QVMulScale_uCharC1Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiMulScale_8u_C1R |
QVMulScale_uCharC3Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiMulScale_8u_C3R |
QVNot_uCharC1Block | Performs corresponding bitwise logical operation between pixels of two image (AndC OrC XorC - between pixel of the source image and a constant) |
QVNot_uCharC3Block | Performs corresponding bitwise logical operation between pixels of two image (AndC OrC XorC - between pixel of the source image and a constant) |
QVNumericPlot | Class for plot graphs of block's int or double properties |
QVOr_sIntC1Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiOr_32s_C1R |
QVOr_sIntC3Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiOr_32s_C3R |
QVOr_uCharC1Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiOr_8u_C1R |
QVOr_uCharC3Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiOr_8u_C3R |
QVOr_uShortC1Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiOr_16u_C1R |
QVOr_uShortC3Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiOr_16u_C3R |
QVOrC_uCharC1Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiOrC_8u_C1R |
QVPainter | Inherits from QPainter to allow versatile drawing on a QVImageCanvas object |
QVPermutation | Implementation of permutations |
QVPlot | Class for plot block's graphs |
QVPolyline | Polyline representation |
QVPolylineF | Floating point polyline representation |
QVProcessingBlock | Base class for Block threads |
QVPropertyContainer | Base class for dynamic property container objects |
QVPROSAC< Element, Model > | Implementation of PROSAC, an extension to RANSAC (see QVRANSAC) |
QVQuaternion | Implementation of quaternions |
QVRANSAC< Element, Model > | Implementation of RANSAC, a robust statistical model fitting algorithm |
QVRGBToGray_sFloatC3C1Block | Converts an RGB image to gray scale (fixed coefficients) |
QVRGBToGray_uCharC3C1Block | Converts an RGB image to gray scale (fixed coefficients) |
QVRShiftC_uCharC1Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiRShiftC_8u_C1R |
QVSiftFeature | Class for SIFT feature |
QVSparseBlockMatrix | Implementation of sparse block matrices |
QVSqr_sFloatC1Block | Squares pixel values of an image and places results in the destination image; for in-place flavors - in the same image |
QVSub_sFloatC1Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiSub_32f_C1R |
QVSub_sFloatC3Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiSub_32f_C3R |
QVSub_uCharC1Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiSub_8u_C1RSfs |
QVSub_uCharC3Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiSub_8u_C3RSfs |
QVSubC_sFloatC1Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiSubC_32f_C1R |
QVSubC_uCharC1Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiSubC_8u_C1RSfs |
QVSum_uCharC1Block | Computes the sum of image pixel values |
QVTensor | Implementation of tensors, a generalization for matrices and vectors |
QVTensorIndex | Indexes for tensors |
QVThreshold_sFloatC1Block | Performs thresholding of an image using the specified level |
QVThreshold_uCharC1Block | Performs thresholding of an image using the specified level |
QVTrackingManager | Class to manage trackings of features in video sequences |
QVUKF | Implementation of UKF filter |
QVUKFstate | A structure that contains the mean and covariance matrix to represent a normal state |
QVUKFweights | An auxiliar structure that stores some necessary weights |
QVVector | Implementation of numerical vectors |
QVVectorMap | Fast nearest neigbour vector container |
QVVideoReader | Extremely versatile class to read from multiple video devices and video/image file formats |
QVVideoReaderBlock | This is a generic video input processing block for the QVision architecture |
QVXor_sIntC1Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiXor_32s_C1R |
QVXor_sIntC3Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiXor_32s_C3R |
QVXor_uCharC1Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiXor_8u_C1R |
QVXor_uCharC3Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiXor_8u_C3R |
QVXor_uShortC1Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiXor_16u_C1R |
QVXor_uShortC3Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiXor_16u_C3R |
QVXorC_uCharC1Block | QVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiXorC_8u_C1R |
QVYUV4MPEG2WriterBlock | Video source class for reading many video file formats, webcams and digital cameras |