PARP Research Group Universidad de Murcia

Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
QV2DMapFast 2D nearest neigbour access data container
QV3DPointF3D point representation
QV3DPolylineF3D polyline representation
QVAbs_sFloatC1BlockComputes absolute value of each pixel of a source image and places results in the destination image; for in-place flavors - in the same source image
QVAbs_sShortC1BlockComputes absolute value of each pixel of a source image and places results in the destination image; for in-place flavors - in the same source image
QVAbsDiff_sFloatC1BlockCalculate absolute difference between corresponding pixels of the two images or between image pixels and scalar
QVAbsDiff_uCharC1BlockCalculate absolute difference between corresponding pixels of the two images or between image pixels and scalar
QVAdd_sFloatC1BlockAdd image to accumulator
QVAdd_sFloatC3BlockAdd image to accumulator
QVAdd_uCharC1BlockAdd image to accumulator
QVAdd_uCharC3BlockAdd image to accumulator
QVAddC_sFloatC1BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiAddC_32f_C1R
QVAddC_uCharC1BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiAddC_8u_C1RSfs
QVAnd_sIntC1BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiAnd_32s_C1R
QVAnd_sIntC3BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiAnd_32s_C3R
QVAnd_uCharC1BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiAnd_8u_C1R
QVAnd_uCharC3BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiAnd_8u_C3R
QVAnd_uShortC1BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiAnd_16u_C1R
QVAnd_uShortC3BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiAnd_16u_C3R
QVAndC_uCharC1BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiAndC_8u_C1R
QVApplicationMain class for QVision applications
QVBaseReaderPure virtual base class to create input video reader components for the QVision architecture
QVBRIEFDetectorSimple implementation of BRIEF (Binary Robust Independent Elementary Features) descriptors
QVCameraPoseClass for the camera pose of a view, in a 3D reconstruction
QVCombinationIteratorIterator over all possible combinations over a set
QVCompare_sFloatC1BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiCompare_32f_C1R
QVCompare_uCharC1BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiCompare_8u_C1R
QVCompareC_sFloatC1BlockCompares pixel values of two images, or pixel values of an image to a constant value using the following compare conditions
QVCompareC_uCharC1BlockCompares pixel values of two images, or pixel values of an image to a constant value using the following compare conditions
QVComplexImplementation of complex numbers
QVComponentTreeImage component tree data structure
QVComputeThreshold_Otsu_uCharC1BlockCalculate Otsu theshold value of images
QVConvert_sFloatuCharC1BlockConverts pixel values of an image from one bit depth to another
QVConvert_sFloatuCharC3BlockConverts pixel values of an image from one bit depth to another
QVConvert_uCharsFloatC1BlockConverts pixel values of an image from one bit depth to another
QVConvert_uCharsFloatC3BlockConverts pixel values of an image from one bit depth to another
QVCPUPlotClass for plot graphs of block's cpustat properties
QVCUDAImage< Type, Channels >Class to manage images stored in the GPU for the QVision framework
QVDefaultGUIMain user interface widget for QVision applications
QVDesignerGUIAdvanced graphic block oriented programming interface widget for QVision applications
QVDirectedGraph< Element >Directed graph class
QVDisjointSetImplementation of a disjoint set data type, based on the union-find algorithm
QVDiv_sFloatC1BlockDivides pixel values of an image by pixel values of another image and places the scaled results in the dividend source image
QVDiv_sFloatC3BlockDivides pixel values of an image by pixel values of another image and places the scaled results in the dividend source image
QVDiv_uCharC1BlockDivides pixel values of an image by pixel values of another image and places the scaled results in the dividend source image
QVDiv_uCharC3BlockDivides pixel values of an image by pixel values of another image and places the scaled results in the dividend source image
QVDivC_sFloatC1BlockDivides pixel values of a source image by a constant and places the scaled results in the same image
QVDivC_uCharC1BlockDivides pixel values of a source image by a constant and places the scaled results in the same image
QVEuclideanMapping3Class modeling rotation-translation transformations for 3D points
QVFilterBox_sFloatC1BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiFilterBox_32f_C1R
QVFilterBox_uCharC1BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiFilterBox_8u_C1R
QVFilterBox_uCharC3BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiFilterBox_8u_C3R
QVFilterGauss_sFloatC1BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiFilterGauss_32f_C1R
QVFilterGauss_sFloatC3BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiFilterGauss_32f_C3R
QVFilterGauss_uCharC1BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiFilterGauss_8u_C1R
QVFilterGauss_uCharC3BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiFilterGauss_8u_C3R
QVFilterHipass_sFloatC1BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiFilterHipass_32f_C1R
QVFilterHipass_sFloatC3BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiFilterHipass_32f_C3R
QVFilterHipass_uCharC1BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiFilterHipass_8u_C1R
QVFilterHipass_uCharC3BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiFilterHipass_8u_C3R
QVFilterLaplace_sFloatC1BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiFilterLaplace_32f_C1R
QVFilterLaplace_uCharC1BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiFilterLaplace_8u_C1R
QVFilterLowpass_sFloatC1BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiFilterLowpass_32f_C1R
QVFilterLowpass_uCharC1BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiFilterLowpass_8u_C1R
QVFilterMax_sFloatC1BlockApplies the "max" filter to an image
QVFilterMax_uCharC1BlockApplies the "max" filter to an image
QVFilterMax_uCharC3BlockApplies the "max" filter to an image
QVFilterMedian_uCharC1BlockFilters an image using a box median filter
QVFilterMedian_uCharC3BlockFilters an image using a box median filter
QVFilterMedianHoriz_uCharC1BlockPerforms horizontal median filtering
QVFilterMin_sFloatC1BlockApplies the "min" filter to an image
QVFilterMin_uCharC1BlockApplies the "min" filter to an image
QVFilterMin_uCharC3BlockApplies the "min" filter to an image
QVFilterSobelHorizMask_sFloatC1BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiFilterSobelHorizMask_32f_C1R
QVFilterSobelVertMask_sFloatC1BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiFilterSobelVertMask_32f_C1R
QVFunction< Input, Output >Base class for function objects
QVFunctionPlotWidget for plotting QList<double> property values from a block, as an histogram, over the time
QVGenericImageBase class for QVImage objects
QVGUIMain user interface widget for QVision applications
QVHistogramPlotWidget for plotting QList<double> property values from a block, as an histogram, over the time
QVImage< Type, Channels >Image representation class for the QVision
QVImageCanvasDisplay widget for QVImage objects and other data types
QVIndexedStringListString List with a current string index
QVJacobianClass to create jacobian functions
QVKeypointClass for image key point data-type
QVKLTFeatureTrackingClass to store the successive positions of an individual feature tracked in a video sequence
QVKLTTrackerWrapper class to perform image feature tracking with the GPU-KLT library
QVKLTTrackerFeatureImage feature location used by the GPU-KLT tracker
QVLn_sFloatC1BlockComputes the natural logarithm of each pixel values of a source image and places the results in the destination image; for in-place flavors - in the same image
QVLn_sFloatC3BlockComputes the natural logarithm of each pixel values of a source image and places the results in the destination image; for in-place flavors - in the same image
QVLShiftC_uCharC1BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiLShiftC_8u_C1R
QVMatrixImplementation of numerical matrices
QVMax_sFloatC1BlockComputes the maximum of image pixel values
QVMax_uCharC1BlockComputes the maximum of image pixel values
QVMean_uCharC1BlockComputes the mean of image pixel values
QVMin_sFloatC1BlockComputes the minimum of image pixel values
QVMin_uCharC1BlockComputes the minimum of image pixel values
QVMSERMaximally stable extremal region datatype
QVMul_sFloatC1BlockAdds, subtracts, or multiplies pixel values of two source images and places the results in a destination image
QVMul_sFloatC3BlockAdds, subtracts, or multiplies pixel values of two source images and places the results in a destination image
QVMul_uCharC1BlockAdds, subtracts, or multiplies pixel values of two source images and places the results in a destination image
QVMul_uCharC3BlockAdds, subtracts, or multiplies pixel values of two source images and places the results in a destination image
QVMulC_sFloatC1BlockAdds, subtracts, or multiplies pixel values of an image and a constant, and places the results in the same image
QVMulC_uCharC1BlockAdds, subtracts, or multiplies pixel values of an image and a constant, and places the results in the same image
QVMulScale_uCharC1BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiMulScale_8u_C1R
QVMulScale_uCharC3BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiMulScale_8u_C3R
QVNot_uCharC1BlockPerforms corresponding bitwise logical operation between pixels of two image (AndC OrC XorC - between pixel of the source image and a constant)
QVNot_uCharC3BlockPerforms corresponding bitwise logical operation between pixels of two image (AndC OrC XorC - between pixel of the source image and a constant)
QVNumericPlotClass for plot graphs of block's int or double properties
QVOr_sIntC1BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiOr_32s_C1R
QVOr_sIntC3BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiOr_32s_C3R
QVOr_uCharC1BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiOr_8u_C1R
QVOr_uCharC3BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiOr_8u_C3R
QVOr_uShortC1BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiOr_16u_C1R
QVOr_uShortC3BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiOr_16u_C3R
QVOrC_uCharC1BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiOrC_8u_C1R
QVPainterInherits from QPainter to allow versatile drawing on a QVImageCanvas object
QVPermutationImplementation of permutations
QVPlotClass for plot block's graphs
QVPolylinePolyline representation
QVPolylineFFloating point polyline representation
QVProcessingBlockBase class for Block threads
QVPropertyContainerBase class for dynamic property container objects
QVPROSAC< Element, Model >Implementation of PROSAC, an extension to RANSAC (see QVRANSAC)
QVQuaternionImplementation of quaternions
QVRANSAC< Element, Model >Implementation of RANSAC, a robust statistical model fitting algorithm
QVRGBToGray_sFloatC3C1BlockConverts an RGB image to gray scale (fixed coefficients)
QVRGBToGray_uCharC3C1BlockConverts an RGB image to gray scale (fixed coefficients)
QVRShiftC_uCharC1BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiRShiftC_8u_C1R
QVSiftFeatureClass for SIFT feature
QVSparseBlockMatrixImplementation of sparse block matrices
QVSqr_sFloatC1BlockSquares pixel values of an image and places results in the destination image; for in-place flavors - in the same image
QVSub_sFloatC1BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiSub_32f_C1R
QVSub_sFloatC3BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiSub_32f_C3R
QVSub_uCharC1BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiSub_8u_C1RSfs
QVSub_uCharC3BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiSub_8u_C3RSfs
QVSubC_sFloatC1BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiSubC_32f_C1R
QVSubC_uCharC1BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiSubC_8u_C1RSfs
QVSum_uCharC1BlockComputes the sum of image pixel values
QVTensorImplementation of tensors, a generalization for matrices and vectors
QVTensorIndexIndexes for tensors
QVThreshold_sFloatC1BlockPerforms thresholding of an image using the specified level
QVThreshold_uCharC1BlockPerforms thresholding of an image using the specified level
QVTrackingManagerClass to manage trackings of features in video sequences
QVUKFImplementation of UKF filter
QVUKFstateA structure that contains the mean and covariance matrix to represent a normal state
QVUKFweightsAn auxiliar structure that stores some necessary weights
QVVectorImplementation of numerical vectors
QVVectorMapFast nearest neigbour vector container
QVVideoReaderExtremely versatile class to read from multiple video devices and video/image file formats
QVVideoReaderBlockThis is a generic video input processing block for the QVision architecture
QVXor_sIntC1BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiXor_32s_C1R
QVXor_sIntC3BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiXor_32s_C3R
QVXor_uCharC1BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiXor_8u_C1R
QVXor_uCharC3BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiXor_8u_C3R
QVXor_uShortC1BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiXor_16u_C1R
QVXor_uShortC3BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiXor_16u_C3R
QVXorC_uCharC1BlockQVision wrapper function for IPP's ippiXorC_8u_C1R
QVYUV4MPEG2WriterBlockVideo source class for reading many video file formats, webcams and digital cameras

QVision framework. PARP research group. Copyright © 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011.