PARP Research Group Universidad de Murcia

GUI blocks based on the QWT library
[Block programming]

Set of graphical blocks that require the QWT. More...


class  QVCPUPlot
 Class for plot graphs of block's cpustat properties. More...
class  QVDefaultGUI
 Main user interface widget for QVision applications. More...
class  QVDesignerGUI
 Advanced graphic block oriented programming interface widget for QVision applications. More...
class  QVFunctionPlot
 Widget for plotting QList<double> property values from a block, as an histogram, over the time. More...
class  QVHistogramPlot
 Widget for plotting QList<double> property values from a block, as an histogram, over the time. More...
class  QVNumericPlot
 Class for plot graphs of block's int or double properties. More...
class  QVPlot
 Class for plot block's graphs. More...

Detailed Description

Set of graphical blocks that require the QWT.


QVision framework. PARP research group. Copyright © 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011.