Functions |
bool | computeProjectiveHomography (const QList< QPointFMatching > &matchings, QVMatrix &H) |
| Obtains a planar homography from a list of point correspondences.
QVMatrix | computeProjectiveHomography (const QList< QPointFMatching > &matchings) |
| Obtains a planar homography from a list of point correspondences.
QVMatrix | computeAffineHomography (const QList< QPointFMatching > &matchings) |
| Obtains an affine homography from a list of point correspondences.
QVMatrix | computeSimilarHomography (const QList< QPointFMatching > &matchings) |
| Obtains a similar homography from a set of inter-image point matchings.
QVMatrix | cvFindFundamentalMat (const QList< QPointFMatching > &matchings) |
| Obtains the fundamental matrix between two images, using the 8 point algorithm.
QPointF | applyHomography (const QVMatrix &homography, const QPointF &point) |
| Maps a point using an homography.
QList< QPointF > | applyHomography (const QVMatrix &homography, const QList< QPointF > &sourcePoints) |
| Maps a set of points using an homography.
QVImage< uChar, 1 > | applyHomography (const QVMatrix &homography, const QVImage< uChar, 1 > &image, const int interpolation=IPPI_INTER_CUBIC) |
| Performs an homography distortion on an image.
QVImage< uChar, 3 > | applyHomography (const QVMatrix &homography, const QVImage< uChar, 3 > &image, const int interpolation=IPPI_INTER_CUBIC) |
| Performs an homography distortion on an image.
void | getCameraPosesFromEssentialMatrix (const QVMatrix &E, QVMatrix &R1, QVMatrix &R2, QV3DPointF &t) |
| Decomposes an essential matrix and obtains the corresponding pair of camera poses.
bool | testCheiralityForCameraPoses (const QVMatrix &sourceRt, const QPointF &sourceProjection, const QVMatrix &destRt, const QPointF &destProjection) |
| Tests if two camera poses satisfy the cheirality condition for the reconstruction of a 3D point.
QVMatrix | linearCameraResection (const QList< QPointF > &points2d, const QList< QV3DPointF > &points3d) |
| Obtains the camera matrix from a set of correspondences between 3D points and their respective image projections.
QV3DPointF | linear3DPointTriangulation (const QVector< QVMatrix > &cameraMatrices, const QHash< int, QPointF > &projectionsOfAPoint, const TQVSVD_Method method=DEFAULT_TQVSVD_METHOD) |
| Recovers the location of a 3D point from its projection on several views, and their corresponding camera matrices.
QV3DPointF | linear3DPointTriangulation (const QList< QVMatrix > &cameraMatrices, const QList< QPointF > &projectionsOfAPoint, const TQVSVD_Method method=DEFAULT_TQVSVD_METHOD) |
| Recovers the location of a 3D point from its projection on several views, and their corresponding camera matrices.
QV3DPointF | linear3DPointTriangulation (const QPointF &point1, const QVMatrix &P1, const QPointF &point2, const QVMatrix &P2, const TQVSVD_Method method=DEFAULT_TQVSVD_METHOD) |
| Recovers the location of a 3D point from its projection on two images, and their corresponding camera matrices.
QV3DPointF | linear3DPointTriangulation (const QPointFMatching &matching, const QVMatrix &P1, const QVMatrix &P2, const TQVSVD_Method method=DEFAULT_TQVSVD_METHOD) |
| Recovers the location of a 3D point from its projection on two images, and their corresponding camera matrices.
QV3DPointF | linear3DPointTriangulation (const QPointFMatching &matching, const QVCameraPose &pose1, const QVCameraPose &pose2, const TQVSVD_Method method=DEFAULT_TQVSVD_METHOD) |
| Recovers the location of a 3D point from its projection on two images, and their corresponding camera matrices.
QList< QV3DPointF > | linear3DPointsTriangulation (const QList< QVEuclideanMapping3 > &cameras, const QList< QHash< int, QPointF > > &pointProjections, const TQVSVD_Method method=DEFAULT_TQVSVD_METHOD) |
| Recovers the location of several 3D points from their projections on different views, and the corresponding camera matrices.
QList< QV3DPointF > | linear3DPointsTriangulation (const QList< QVEuclideanMapping3 > &cameras, const QVector< QHash< int, QPointF > > &pointProjections, const TQVSVD_Method method=DEFAULT_TQVSVD_METHOD) |
| Recovers the location of several 3D points from their projections on different views, and the corresponding camera matrices.
QList< QV3DPointF > | linear3DPointsTriangulation (const QList< QVCameraPose > &cameras, const QList< QHash< int, QPointF > > &pointProjections, const TQVSVD_Method method=DEFAULT_TQVSVD_METHOD) |
| Recovers the location of several 3D points from their projections on different views, and the corresponding camera matrices.
QList< QV3DPointF > | linear3DPointsTriangulation (const QList< QVCameraPose > &cameras, const QVector< QHash< int, QPointF > > &pointProjections, const TQVSVD_Method method=DEFAULT_TQVSVD_METHOD) |
| Recovers the location of several 3D points from their projections on different views, and the corresponding camera matrices.
bool | getCameraFocals (const QList< QPointFMatching > &matchings, double &focal1, double &focal2, const QPointF principalPoint1=QPointF(0.0, 0.0), const QPointF principalPoint2=QPointF(0.0, 0.0), const GSLMultiminFDFMinimizerType gslMinimizerAlgorithm=VectorBFGS, const int optimizationIterations=50) |
| Estimates the focal lengths for two cameras,.
double | computeCameraFocalFromPlanarHomography (const QVMatrix &H, int w, int h, bool byzero=false) |
| Compute camera focal from a planar homography.
QVCameraPose | getCameraPoseFromCalibratedHomography (const QVMatrix &K, const QVMatrix &H) |
| Estimates the camera pose form the intrinsic calibration and a planar homography.
File from the QVision library.