Functions |
void | singularValueDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVMatrix &U, QVVector &s, QVMatrix &V, const TQVSVD_Method method) |
| Obtains the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of a rectangular matrix M.
void | solveFromSingularValueDecomposition (const QVMatrix &U, const QVVector &s, const QVMatrix &V, QVMatrix &X, const QVMatrix &B) |
| Solves the linear system for the unknown matrix , using the previously obtained singular value decomposition .
void | solveFromSingularValueDecomposition (const QVMatrix &U, const QVVector &s, const QVMatrix &V, QVVector &x, const QVVector &b) |
| Solves the linear system for the unknown vector , using the previously obtained singular value decomposition .
void | solveBySingularValueDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVVector &x, const QVVector &b, const TQVSVD_Method method) |
| Solves the linear system for the unknown vector , using the singular value decomposition .
void | solveBySingularValueDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVMatrix &X, const QVMatrix &B, const TQVSVD_Method method) |
| Solves the linear system for the unknown matrix , using the singular value decomposition .
void | solveBySingularValueDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVVector &x, const QVVector &b, QVMatrix &U, QVVector &s, QVMatrix &V, const TQVSVD_Method method) |
| Solves the linear system for the unknown vector , using the singular value decomposition .
void | solveBySingularValueDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVMatrix &X, const QVMatrix &B, QVMatrix &U, QVVector &s, QVMatrix &V, const TQVSVD_Method method) |
| Solves the linear system for the unknown matrix , using the singular value decomposition .
double | singularValueDecompositionResidual (const QVMatrix &M, const QVMatrix &U, const QVVector &s, const QVMatrix &V) |
| Checks for correctness of the SVD of a matrix.
void | singularValues (const QVMatrix &M, QVVector &s, const TQVSV_Method method) |
| Gets the singular values of a matrix.
double | singularValuesResidual (const QVMatrix &M, const QVVector &s) |
| Checks for correctness of the singular values of a matrix.
void | CholeskyDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVMatrix &L, const TQVCholesky_Method method) |
| Obtains the Cholesky decomposition of a symmetric and positive definite matrix.
void | solveFromCholeskyDecomposition (const QVMatrix &L, QVMatrix &X, const QVMatrix &B) |
| Solves the linear system for the unknown matrix , using the previously obtained Cholesky decomposition .
void | solveFromCholeskyDecomposition (const QVMatrix &L, QVVector &x, const QVVector &b) |
| Solves the linear system for the unknown vector , using the previously obtained Cholesky decomposition .
void | solveByCholeskyDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVMatrix &X, const QVMatrix &B, const TQVCholesky_Method method) |
| Solves the linear system for the unknown matrix , using the Cholesky decomposition .
void | solveByCholeskyDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVVector &x, const QVVector &b, const TQVCholesky_Method method) |
| Solves the linear system for the unknown vector , using the Cholesky decomposition .
void | solveByCholeskyDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVMatrix &X, const QVMatrix &B, QVMatrix &L, const TQVCholesky_Method method) |
| Solves the linear system for the unknown matrix , using the Cholesky decomposition .
void | solveByCholeskyDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVVector &x, const QVVector &b, QVMatrix &L, const TQVCholesky_Method method) |
| Solves the linear system for the unknown vector , using the Cholesky decomposition .
double | CholeskyDecompositionResidual (const QVMatrix &M, const QVMatrix &L) |
| Checks for correctness of the Cholesky decomposition of a matrix.
void | LUDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVMatrix &P, QVMatrix &L, QVMatrix &U, const TQVLU_Method method) |
| Obtains the LU decomposition of a rectangular matrix.
void | solveFromLUDecomposition (const QVMatrix &P, const QVMatrix &L, const QVMatrix &U, QVMatrix &X, const QVMatrix &B) |
| Solves the linear system for the unknown matrix , using the previously obtained LU decomposition of M:
void | solveFromLUDecomposition (const QVMatrix &P, const QVMatrix &L, const QVMatrix &U, QVVector &x, const QVVector &b) |
| Solves the linear system for the unknown vector , using the previously obtained LU decomposition .
void | solveByLUDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVMatrix &X, const QVMatrix &B, const TQVLU_Method method) |
| Solves the linear system for the unknown matrix , using the LU decomposition .
void | solveByLUDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVVector &x, const QVVector &b, const TQVLU_Method method) |
| Solves the linear system for the unknown vector , using the LU decomposition .
void | solveByLUDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVMatrix &X, const QVMatrix &B, QVMatrix &P, QVMatrix &L, QVMatrix &U, const TQVLU_Method method) |
| Solves the linear system for the unknown matrix , using the LU decomposition .
void | solveByLUDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVVector &x, const QVVector &b, QVMatrix &P, QVMatrix &L, QVMatrix &U, const TQVLU_Method method) |
| Solves the linear system for the unknown vector , using the LU decomposition .
double | LUDecompositionResidual (const QVMatrix &M, const QVMatrix &P, const QVMatrix &L, const QVMatrix &U) |
| Checks for correctness of the LU decomposition of a matrix.
void | QRDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVMatrix &Q, QVMatrix &R, const TQVQR_Method method) |
| Obtains the QR decomposition of a rectangular matrix.
double | QRDecompositionResidual (const QVMatrix &M, const QVMatrix &Q, const QVMatrix &R) |
| Checks for correctness of the QR decomposition of a matrix.
void | QLDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVMatrix &Q, QVMatrix &L, const TQVQR_Method method) |
| Obtains the QL decomposition of a rectangular matrix.
double | QLDecompositionResidual (const QVMatrix &M, const QVMatrix &Q, const QVMatrix &L) |
| Checks for correctness of the QL decomposition of a matrix.
void | RQDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVMatrix &R, QVMatrix &Q, const TQVQR_Method method) |
| Obtains the RQ decomposition of a rectangular matrix.
double | RQDecompositionResidual (const QVMatrix &M, const QVMatrix &R, const QVMatrix &Q) |
| Checks for correctness of the RQ decomposition of a matrix.
void | LQDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVMatrix &L, QVMatrix &Q, const TQVQR_Method method) |
| Obtains the LQ decomposition of a rectangular matrix.
double | LQDecompositionResidual (const QVMatrix &M, const QVMatrix &L, const QVMatrix &Q) |
| Checks for correctness of the LQ decomposition of a matrix.
void | solveFromQRDecomposition (const QVMatrix &Q, const QVMatrix &R, QVMatrix &X, const QVMatrix &B) |
| Solves the linear system for the unknown matrix , using the previously obtained QR decomposition of M:
void | solveFromQRDecomposition (const QVMatrix &Q, const QVMatrix &R, QVVector &x, const QVVector &b) |
| Solves the linear system for the unknown vector , using the previously obtained QR decomposition of M:
void | solveByQRDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVVector &x, const QVVector &b, const TQVQR_Method method) |
| Solves the linear system for the unknown vector , using the QR decomposition of M:
void | solveByQRDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVMatrix &X, const QVMatrix &B, const TQVQR_Method method) |
| Solves the linear system for the unknown matrix , using the QR decomposition of M:
void | solveByQRDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVVector &x, const QVVector &b, QVMatrix &Q, QVMatrix &R, const TQVQR_Method method) |
| Solves the linear system for the unknown vector , using the QR decomposition of M:
void | solveByQRDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVMatrix &X, const QVMatrix &B, QVMatrix &Q, QVMatrix &R, const TQVQR_Method method) |
| Solves the linear system for the unknown matrix , using the QR decomposition of M:
void | eigenDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVVector &lambda, QVMatrix &Q, const TQVEigenDecomposition_Method method) |
| Obtains the eigen-decomposition of a symmetric matrix.
double | eigenDecompositionResidual (const QVMatrix &M, const QVVector &lambda, const QVMatrix &Q) |
| Checks for correctness of the eigendecomposition of a matrix.
void | eigenValues (const QVMatrix &M, QVVector &lambda, const TQVEigenValues_Method method) |
| Gets the eigenvalues of a matrix.
double | eigenValuesResidual (const QVMatrix &M, const QVVector &lambda) |
| Checks for correctness of the eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix.
QVMatrix | pseudoInverse (const QVMatrix &M, const TQVSVD_Method method, double epsilon) |
| Obtains the Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse of a matrix.
double | determinant (const QVMatrix &M, const TQVLU_Method method) |
| Obtains the determinant of a square matrix.
void | solveHomogeneous (const QVMatrix &A, QVector< double > &x, const TQVSVD_Method method) |
| Solves an homogeneous linear system of equations.
double | solveResidual (const QVMatrix &M, const QVMatrix &X, const QVMatrix &B) |
| Returns the residual of the solution to a linear matrix equation.
double | solveResidual (const QVMatrix &M, const QVVector &x, const QVVector &b) |
| Returns the residual of the solution to a linear vector equation.
double | sparseSolve (const QVSparseBlockMatrix &qvspmatrixPre, QVVector &x, const QVVector &bPre, const bool isSymmetric, const bool isPosDefinite, const TQVSparseSolve_Method method, const bool start_from_x, const bool iters_or_resid, const int iters, const double resid, int &final_iter_count) |
| Solves a sparse system of linear equations, taking advantage of sparseness to accelerate the computation.
bool | solveHomogeneous (const QVSparseBlockMatrix &A, QVVector &x, const int maxIterations, const double minRelativeError, const TQVSparseSolve_Method method) |
| Solves a sparse homogeneous linear system using the inverse iteration algorithm and the MKL sparse routines.
QVVector | regressionLine (const QVMatrix &points) |
File from the QVision library.