PARP Research Group Universidad de Murcia

src/qvmath/qvmatrixalgebra.h File Reference

File from the QVision library. More...

#include <QV3DPointF>
#include <qvmath/qvmatrix.h>
#include <QVSparseBlockMatrix>

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enum  TQVSVD_Method {

Available methods for Singular Value Decomposition (SVD).

enum  TQVSV_Method {

Available methods for Singular Values only computation (SV).


Available methods for Cholesky Decomposition.


Available methods for QR Decomposition.


Available methods for LU Decomposition.

enum  TQVEigenDecomposition_Method { GSL_EIGENSYMM, LAPACK_DSYEV }

Available methods for EigenDecomposition.


Available methods for EigenValues only computation.

enum  TQVSparseSolve_Method {
  QV_BJPCG = 4, QV_DENSE = 5

Available methods for sparse linear system solving.



void singularValueDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVMatrix &U, QVVector &s, QVMatrix &V, const TQVSVD_Method method=DEFAULT_TQVSVD_METHOD)
 Obtains the Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) of a rectangular $ m \times n $ matrix M.
void solveFromSingularValueDecomposition (const QVMatrix &U, const QVVector &s, const QVMatrix &V, QVMatrix &X, const QVMatrix &B)
 Solves the linear system $M X = B$ for the unknown matrix $X$, using the previously obtained singular value decomposition $M = U diag(s) V^T$.
void solveFromSingularValueDecomposition (const QVMatrix &U, const QVVector &s, const QVMatrix &V, QVVector &x, const QVVector &b)
 Solves the linear system $M x = b$ for the unknown vector $x$, using the previously obtained singular value decomposition $M = U diag(s) V^T$.
void solveBySingularValueDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVMatrix &X, const QVMatrix &B, const TQVSVD_Method method=DEFAULT_TQVSVD_METHOD)
 Solves the linear system $M X = B$ for the unknown matrix $X$, using the singular value decomposition $M = U diag(s) V^T$.
void solveBySingularValueDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVVector &x, const QVVector &b, const TQVSVD_Method method=DEFAULT_TQVSVD_METHOD)
 Solves the linear system $M x = b$ for the unknown vector $x$, using the singular value decomposition $M = U diag(s) V^T$.
void solveBySingularValueDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVMatrix &X, const QVMatrix &B, QVMatrix &U, QVVector &s, QVMatrix &V, const TQVSVD_Method method=DEFAULT_TQVSVD_METHOD)
 Solves the linear system $M X = B$ for the unknown matrix $X$, using the singular value decomposition $M = U diag(s) V^T$.
void solveBySingularValueDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVVector &x, const QVVector &b, QVMatrix &U, QVVector &s, QVMatrix &V, const TQVSVD_Method method=DEFAULT_TQVSVD_METHOD)
 Solves the linear system $M x = b$ for the unknown vector $x$, using the singular value decomposition $M = U diag(s) V^T$.
double singularValueDecompositionResidual (const QVMatrix &M, const QVMatrix &U, const QVVector &s, const QVMatrix &V)
 Checks for correctness of the SVD of a matrix.
void singularValues (const QVMatrix &M, QVVector &s, const TQVSV_Method method=DEFAULT_TQVSV_METHOD)
 Gets the singular values of a matrix.
double singularValuesResidual (const QVMatrix &M, const QVVector &s)
 Checks for correctness of the singular values of a matrix.
void CholeskyDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVMatrix &L, const TQVCholesky_Method method=DEFAULT_TQVCHOLESKY_METHOD)
 Obtains the Cholesky decomposition of a symmetric and positive definite matrix.
void solveFromCholeskyDecomposition (const QVMatrix &L, QVMatrix &X, const QVMatrix &B)
 Solves the linear system $M X = B$ for the unknown matrix $X$, using the previously obtained Cholesky decomposition $ M = L L^{T} $.
void solveFromCholeskyDecomposition (const QVMatrix &L, QVVector &x, const QVVector &b)
 Solves the linear system $M x = b$ for the unknown vector $x$, using the previously obtained Cholesky decomposition $ M = L L^{T} $.
void solveByCholeskyDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVMatrix &X, const QVMatrix &B, const TQVCholesky_Method method=DEFAULT_TQVCHOLESKY_METHOD)
 Solves the linear system $M X = B$ for the unknown matrix $X$, using the Cholesky decomposition $ M = L L^{T} $.
void solveByCholeskyDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVVector &x, const QVVector &b, const TQVCholesky_Method method=DEFAULT_TQVCHOLESKY_METHOD)
 Solves the linear system $M x = b$ for the unknown vector $x$, using the Cholesky decomposition $ M = L L^{T} $.
void solveByCholeskyDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVMatrix &X, const QVMatrix &B, QVMatrix &L, const TQVCholesky_Method method=DEFAULT_TQVCHOLESKY_METHOD)
 Solves the linear system $M X = B$ for the unknown matrix $X$, using the Cholesky decomposition $ M = L L^{T} $.
void solveByCholeskyDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVVector &x, const QVVector &b, QVMatrix &L, const TQVCholesky_Method method=DEFAULT_TQVCHOLESKY_METHOD)
 Solves the linear system $M x = b$ for the unknown vector $x$, using the Cholesky decomposition $ M = L L^{T} $.
double CholeskyDecompositionResidual (const QVMatrix &M, const QVMatrix &L)
 Checks for correctness of the Cholesky decomposition of a matrix.
void LUDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVMatrix &P, QVMatrix &L, QVMatrix &U, const TQVLU_Method method=DEFAULT_TQVLU_METHOD)
 Obtains the LU decomposition of a rectangular $ m \times n $ matrix.
void solveFromLUDecomposition (const QVMatrix &P, const QVMatrix &L, const QVMatrix &U, QVMatrix &X, const QVMatrix &B)
 Solves the linear system $M X = B$ for the unknown matrix $X$, using the previously obtained LU decomposition of M:
void solveFromLUDecomposition (const QVMatrix &P, const QVMatrix &L, const QVMatrix &U, QVVector &x, const QVVector &b)
 Solves the linear system $M x = b$ for the unknown vector $x$, using the previously obtained LU decomposition $ M = P L U $.
void solveByLUDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVMatrix &X, const QVMatrix &B, const TQVLU_Method method=DEFAULT_TQVLU_METHOD)
 Solves the linear system $M X = B$ for the unknown matrix $X$, using the LU decomposition $ M = P L U $.
void solveByLUDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVVector &x, const QVVector &b, const TQVLU_Method method=DEFAULT_TQVLU_METHOD)
 Solves the linear system $M x = b$ for the unknown vector $x$, using the LU decomposition $ M = P L U $.
void solveByLUDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVMatrix &X, const QVMatrix &B, QVMatrix &P, QVMatrix &L, QVMatrix &U, const TQVLU_Method method=DEFAULT_TQVLU_METHOD)
 Solves the linear system $M X = B$ for the unknown matrix $X$, using the LU decomposition $ M = P L U $.
void solveByLUDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVVector &x, const QVVector &b, QVMatrix &P, QVMatrix &L, QVMatrix &U, const TQVLU_Method method=DEFAULT_TQVLU_METHOD)
 Solves the linear system $M x = b$ for the unknown vector $x$, using the LU decomposition $ M = P L U $.
double LUDecompositionResidual (const QVMatrix &M, const QVMatrix &P, const QVMatrix &L, const QVMatrix &U)
 Checks for correctness of the LU decomposition of a matrix.
void QRDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVMatrix &Q, QVMatrix &R, const TQVQR_Method method=DEFAULT_TQVQR_METHOD)
 Obtains the QR decomposition of a rectangular $ m \times n $ matrix.
double QRDecompositionResidual (const QVMatrix &M, const QVMatrix &Q, const QVMatrix &R)
 Checks for correctness of the QR decomposition of a matrix.
void QLDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVMatrix &Q, QVMatrix &L, const TQVQR_Method method=DEFAULT_TQVQR_METHOD)
 Obtains the QL decomposition of a rectangular $ m \times n $ matrix.
double QLDecompositionResidual (const QVMatrix &M, const QVMatrix &Q, const QVMatrix &L)
 Checks for correctness of the QL decomposition of a matrix.
void RQDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVMatrix &R, QVMatrix &Q, const TQVQR_Method method=DEFAULT_TQVQR_METHOD)
 Obtains the RQ decomposition of a rectangular $ m \times n $ matrix.
double RQDecompositionResidual (const QVMatrix &M, const QVMatrix &R, const QVMatrix &Q)
 Checks for correctness of the RQ decomposition of a matrix.
void LQDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVMatrix &L, QVMatrix &Q, const TQVQR_Method method=DEFAULT_TQVQR_METHOD)
 Obtains the LQ decomposition of a rectangular $ m \times n $ matrix.
double LQDecompositionResidual (const QVMatrix &M, const QVMatrix &L, const QVMatrix &Q)
 Checks for correctness of the LQ decomposition of a matrix.
void solveFromQRDecomposition (const QVMatrix &Q, const QVMatrix &R, QVMatrix &X, const QVMatrix &B)
 Solves the linear system $M X = B$ for the unknown matrix $X$, using the previously obtained QR decomposition of M:
void solveFromQRDecomposition (const QVMatrix &Q, const QVMatrix &R, QVVector &x, const QVVector &b)
 Solves the linear system $M x = b$ for the unknown vector $x$, using the previously obtained QR decomposition of M:
void solveByQRDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVMatrix &X, const QVMatrix &B, const TQVQR_Method method=DEFAULT_TQVQR_METHOD)
 Solves the linear system $M X = B$ for the unknown matrix $X$, using the QR decomposition of M:
void solveByQRDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVVector &x, const QVVector &b, const TQVQR_Method method=DEFAULT_TQVQR_METHOD)
 Solves the linear system $M x = b$ for the unknown vector $x$, using the QR decomposition of M:
void solveByQRDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVMatrix &X, const QVMatrix &B, QVMatrix &Q, QVMatrix &R, const TQVQR_Method method=DEFAULT_TQVQR_METHOD)
 Solves the linear system $M X = B$ for the unknown matrix $X$, using the QR decomposition of M:
void solveByQRDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVVector &x, const QVVector &b, QVMatrix &Q, QVMatrix &R, const TQVQR_Method method=DEFAULT_TQVQR_METHOD)
 Solves the linear system $M x = b$ for the unknown vector $x$, using the QR decomposition of M:
void eigenDecomposition (const QVMatrix &M, QVVector &lambda, QVMatrix &Q, const TQVEigenDecomposition_Method method=DEFAULT_TQVEIGENDECOMPOSITION_METHOD)
 Obtains the eigen-decomposition of a symmetric matrix.
double eigenDecompositionResidual (const QVMatrix &M, const QVVector &lambda, const QVMatrix &Q)
 Checks for correctness of the eigendecomposition of a matrix.
void eigenValues (const QVMatrix &M, QVVector &lambda, const TQVEigenValues_Method method=DEFAULT_TQVEIGENVALUES_METHOD)
 Gets the eigenvalues of a matrix.
double eigenValuesResidual (const QVMatrix &M, const QVVector &lambda)
 Checks for correctness of the eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix.
QVMatrix pseudoInverse (const QVMatrix &M, const TQVSVD_Method method=DEFAULT_TQVSVD_METHOD, const double epsilon=1.0E-10)
 Obtains the Moore–Penrose pseudoinverse of a matrix.
double determinant (const QVMatrix &M, const TQVLU_Method method=DEFAULT_TQVLU_METHOD)
 Obtains the determinant of a square matrix.
void solveHomogeneous (const QVMatrix &A, QVector< double > &x, const TQVSVD_Method method=DEFAULT_TQVSVD_METHOD)
 Solves an homogeneous linear system of equations.
double solveResidual (const QVMatrix &M, const QVMatrix &X, const QVMatrix &B)
 Returns the residual of the solution to a linear matrix equation.
double solveResidual (const QVMatrix &M, const QVVector &x, const QVVector &b)
 Returns the residual of the solution to a linear vector equation.
double sparseSolve (const QVSparseBlockMatrix &M, QVVector &x, const QVVector &b, const bool isSymmetric=false, const bool isPosDefinite=false, const TQVSparseSolve_Method method=DEFAULT_TQVSPARSESOLVE_METHOD, const bool start_from_x=false, const bool iters_or_resid=true, const int iters=0, const double resid=1.0E-10, int &final_iter_count=dummy)
 Solves a sparse system of linear equations, taking advantage of sparseness to accelerate the computation.
bool solveHomogeneous (const QVSparseBlockMatrix &A, QVVector &x, const int maxIterations=10, const double minRelativeError=0.0, const TQVSparseSolve_Method method=QVMKL_DSS)
 Solves a sparse homogeneous linear system using the inverse iteration algorithm and the MKL sparse routines.

Detailed Description

File from the QVision library.

PARP Research Group. University of Murcia, Spain.

Definition in file qvmatrixalgebra.h.

QVision framework. PARP research group. Copyright © 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011.