PARP Research Group Universidad de Murcia

src/qvip/qvip.h File Reference

File from the QVision library. More...

#include <iostream>
#include <qvdefines.h>
#include <qvimageio.h>
#include <QVImage>
#include <QVPolyline>
#include <QFile>
#include <qvmath/qvvector.h>
#include <QPoint>

Go to the source code of this file.


enum  FASTDetectionAlgorithm

FAST detection algorithms.



void FilterHarrisCornerResponseImage (const QVImage< uChar > &image, QVImage< sFloat > &result, int aperture=3, int avgwindow=5, const QPoint &destROIOffset=QPoint(0, 0))
 Obtains the Harris corner response image.
void FilterDoG (const QVImage< uChar > &image, QVImage< uChar > &result)
 Obtains the DoG corner response image.
void SobelCornerResponseImage (const QVImage< sFloat > &image, QVImage< sFloat > &result)
 Obtains the Sobel corner response image.
void FilterHessianCornerResponseImage (const QVImage< sFloat > &image, QVImage< sFloat > &result, const QPoint &destROIOffset=QPoint(0, 0))
 Obtains the Hessian corner response image.
void FilterSeparable (const QVImage< sFloat, 1 > &image, QVImage< sFloat, 1 > &dest, const QVVector &rowFilter, const QVVector &colFilter, const QPoint &destROIOffset=QPoint(0, 0))
 Applies a separable filter.
QMap< sFloat, QPointF > fastMaximalPoints (const QVImage< sFloat > &image, const double threshold=1.0, const int windowSize=2)
 Finds luminance peaks in the input image.
QMap< uChar, QPointF > fastMaximalPoints (const QVImage< uChar > &image, const double threshold, const int windowRadius=2)
 Finds luminance peaks in the input image This is an overloaded version provided for convenience. Processing 8 bit depth images is faster than doing it on 64 floating images.
QMap< sFloat, QPointF > maximalPoints (const QVImage< sFloat > &image, const double threshold=1.0, const int windowRadius=2)
 Finds luminance peaks in the input image.
void FilterLocalMax (const QVImage< sFloat > &src, QVImage< uChar > &dest, uInt colMaskSize, uInt rowMaskSize, sFloat threshold=0)
 Generates a binary image of local grey-scale maximal value pixels.This function receives a QVImage, and generates a binary image where each pixel is set to IPP_MAX_8U if the pixel in the original image is strict maximal in value regarding to pixels in a vicinity window of colMaskSize width, and rowMaskSize height.
QVector< QVector< QPoint > > CountingSort (const QVImage< uChar, 1 > &img)
 Sorts pixels in an image, given their gray-scale value.This function uses the Counting Sort algorithm to get an arrangement of the pixels of an input 8-bit image, regarding their gray-scale value. This arrangement is useful when you need to process the pixels of that image, which contain a certain gray-scale value.
double IterativePointElimination (const QVPolyline &polyline, QVPolyline &result, const double param, bool maxNumberOfPointsMethod=FALSE, bool intersectLines=TRUE, double *max_removed_cost=NULL)
 Eliminates points of a polyline of small shape contribution using the IPE algorithmThis function eliminates points of a QVPolylineF, simplifying it. Points are recursively eliminated while a) their distance to the line joining its two immediate neighbours is smaller than a given maximum value, or b) the number of points of the approximated polyline falls below a given number (depending on the chosen method).
double IterativePointElimination (const QVPolylineF &polyline, QVPolylineF &result, const double param, bool maxNumberOfPointsMethod=FALSE, bool intersectLines=TRUE, double *max_removed_cost=NULL)
 Eliminates points of a polyline of small shape contribution using the IPE algorithmThis is an overloaded version of the IterativePointElimination, provided for convenience. It simplifies floating point polylines.
QList< QVPolylinegetConnectedSetBorderContoursThreshold (const QVImage< uChar > &image, const uChar threshold=128)
 Obtains the borders of connected sets of pixels, containing gray-scale values equal or greater than a given threshold.This function thresholds an input image. Then it obtains the borders of the connected sets of the pixels remaining. An example of these connected sets, and the borders this function obtains can be seen in the following picture:
QList< QVPolylinegetLineContoursThreshold4Connectivity (const QVImage< uChar > &image, const uChar threshold=128)
 Obtains a list of the 4-connected pixel lines in the imageThis function can be used to obtain the 4-connected lines appearing in a border response image. It returns the lines as a QVPolyline objects.
QList< QVPolylinegetLineContoursThreshold8Connectivity (const QVImage< uChar > &image, const uChar threshold=128)
 Obtains a list of the 8-connected pixel lines in the imageThis function can be used to obtain the 8-connected lines appearing in a border response image. It returns the lines as a QVPolyline objects.
QList< QPointF > FASTFeatures (const QVImage< uChar, 1 > &image, const int threshold, const FASTDetectionAlgorithm &fastAlgorithm=Fast9)
 Obtains FAST features on an image-.
QVImage< uChar, 1 > FastLaplaceFilter (const QVImage< uChar, 1 > image)
 Applies a fast Laplace filter on the input image.
QVImage< uChar, 1 > FastSmoothFilter (const QVImage< uChar, 1 > image, const uChar threshold=0)
 Applies a fast smooth filter on the input image.
QVImage< uChar, 1 > SmoothFilter (const QVImage< uChar, 1 > image, const uChar threshold=0)
 Applies a smooth filter on the input image.
QList< QPointF > FastLaplacePoints (const QVImage< uChar, 1 > &image, const int threshold=40, const bool applyPreviousSmooth=true, const bool smoothResponseImage=true)
 Detects salient points in the Laplace response of an input image.

Detailed Description

File from the QVision library.

PARP Research Group. University of Murcia, Spain.

Definition in file qvip.h.

QVision framework. PARP research group. Copyright © 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011.