PARP Research Group | Universidad de Murcia |
examples/image-tests/image-tests.cpp File ReferenceTest for Cholesky decomposition based functions from the QVision library. More... #include <iostream> #include <QVImage> #include <QDir> #include <qvimageio.h> Go to the source code of this file. Detailed DescriptionTest for Cholesky decomposition based functions from the QVision library. Performs several validation tests on the QVImage class. Usage of the program.Compile and execute the application with the following line: ./image-tests <path to image files> If any of the tests is not satisfied, the string '[** FAILED **]' is printed, and the application finishes. This would indicate a programming error in the class QVImage, or the IPP wrapper functions. Definition in file image-tests.cpp. |