PARP Research Group Universidad de Murcia

src/qvsfm/qvsfm.h File Reference

File from the QVision library. More...

#include <QVIndexPair>
#include <qvprojective.h>
#include <qvsfm/qvgea/geaoptimization.h>
#include <qvsfm/laSBA/laSBAWrapper.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


QList< QHash< int, QPointF > > correctIntrinsics (const QList< QVMatrix > &Ks, const QList< QHash< int, QPointF > > &pointsProjections)
 Corrects linear intrinsic calibration from a set of point projections.
bool testCheirality (const QList< QVCameraPose > cameraPoses, const QList< QHash< int, QPointF > > calibratedPointsProjections)
 Test correct camera cheirality.
void invertCheirality (QList< QVCameraPose > &cameraPoses, QList< QV3DPointF > &points3D)
 Swaps the cheirality of the camera poses and 3D points contained in a SfM reconstruction.
double reconstructionError (const QList< QVCameraPose > &cameraPoses, const QList< QV3DPointF > &points3D, const QList< QHash< int, QPointF > > &pointProjections)
 Evaluate the mean reprojection error of a reconstruction.
double reconstructionError (const QList< QVCameraPose > &cameraPoses, const QList< QHash< int, QPointF > > &pointProjections)
 Evaluate the mean reprojection error of a reconstruction.
double reconstructionError (const QList< QVCameraPose > &cameraPoses, const QList< QV3DPointF > &points3D, const QList< QHash< int, QPointF > > &pointProjections, const QVector< bool > &evaluateTracking)
 Evaluate the mean reprojection error of a pair-wise reconstruction.
double reconstructionError (const QVMatrix &Rt1, const QVMatrix &Rt2, const QList< QV3DPointF > &points3D, const QVector< QPointFMatching > &matchings)
 Evaluate the mean reprojection error of a pair-wise reconstruction.
QVVector reconstructionErrorResiduals (const QList< QVCameraPose > &cameraPoses, const QList< QV3DPointF > &points3D, const QList< QHash< int, QPointF > > &pointTrackings)
 Evaluate the residuals of a reconstruction.
bool checkForNaNValues (const QList< QVCameraPose > &cameraPoses)
 Check for NaN values in a list of camera poses.
bool checkForNaNValues (const QList< QV3DPointF > &points3D)
 Check for NaN values in a list of 3D points.
bool checkForNaNValues (const QList< QHash< int, QPointF > > &pointTrackings)
 Check for NaN values in a list of point trackings.
bool linearCameraPairInitialization (const QVector< QPointFMatching > &matchings, QVMatrix &Rt1, QVMatrix &Rt2)
 Initialize the projection matrices of two views in a reconstruction, provided a list of point matchings.

Detailed Description

File from the QVision library.

PARP Research Group. University of Murcia, Spain.

Definition in file qvsfm.h.

QVision framework. PARP research group. Copyright © 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011.